Fare Free London launches its petition telling Sadiq Khan to implement free public transport in London.


There is a cost of living crisis and London is falling behind its own weak climate targets, and even further behind targets worked out by climate scientists.

It is not too late to secure a socially just system that benefits people as well as climate. We believe implementing free public transport supports a system that is based on public transport and active travel (walking, cycling and so on) which positively impacts Londoners’ physical and mental health. Free public transport, introduced together as part of an integrated transport policy can help rapidly to cut the number of private cars, vans and HGVs on the roads – and so cut greenhouse gas emissions, and the air pollution that kills thousands of Londoners each year.
The first step is to research ways to implement it. We are asking the Mayor of London to set up a research commission to investigate the opportunities and barriers relating to free public transport, and to pilot it in London.
Add your voice and demand that the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority start the process of implementing free public transport of London.
The petition text is as follows:

“The transport sector has made the least progress in cutting fossil fuel use over the last twenty years. Free public transport could start to reverse this dangerous trend. Free public transport cuts across the dangerous populist rhetoric that tackling climate change costs ordinary people money. It shows that the opposite is true: measures to deal with climate change and air pollution can also make life better.

There are many ways that free public transport could be paid for, including higher taxes and levies on the wealthy and corporations. It should not result in job losses for transport staff.

We therefore call on the Mayor and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to set up a Commission which will:

  • Outline opportunities that free public transport would provide to people in London;
  • Investigate the barriers currently preventing free public transport, and;
  • Design a pilot to test giving free public transport to people in London.”

Sign the petition here:


Published: 14 August 2024.